Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I too had a blog..!!

I too had a blog, I wanted to say.. to all the friends of mine who were ranting about the posts they were putting up. But I am glad I had the restraint not to let them in on my blog. It’s only been two days since I realized I had a blog too.

The other day, I was having problems using my webcam with google account. I was checking my setting when I came across my google accounts, where I saw a small icon with a B on it... Not bothering to read what was beside the icon (one of the many habits of a software engineer), I clicked on it and was redirected to a very old blog which hadn’t been updated in a long time. It looked vaguely familiar with only two posts. It dint take me any longer than reading the first post to recognize the writing style. Who else could have been crazy enough to write such a post!! Yes that was my blog... I have to confess I had completely forgotten about it until this time.

I then decided I was not going to lose track of it again. I will keep writing. But then, here I am, looking at my blog with an urge to continue what I had started long ago and discontinued not long after. Still wondering what to write, I realized I had written quite a bit already. Not so bad for a first post, eh :) :)

Hopefully, until my next post, I’ll have figured out why I had quit writing.
Until then.. Adios

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!