Friday, December 25, 2009

The lonely road.. part 1

The urge to express the strong emotions invoked by a few unexpected events has taken over my indolence which had me procrastinating my return to blogs (huh..!!)

Life sucks; yesterday wasn’t any different, it only manifested itself with a renewed freshness. After 40 hours of tired insomnia, sleep wouldn’t come. The disappointments of the past few weeks had ensured that. Tired and sick, I started out on a long indefinite walk. How long and how far, I did not know.. All I had was my thoughts to mull over and of course, my little bug (canon SX10 IS).

Not wanting to worry my already tired psyche with the drudges of deciding my direction, I just let my feet use their brains (or was it my own genius slided down to them??). Not surprisingly, I soon realized I was headed in the familiar direction of the Necklace road.  Tank bund, the third most beautiful place in Hyderabad, for me, was welcomingly warm (yes… even literally, it being 4 in the evening)

It had been a long time since I had gone there. Actually it had been a long, long time since I had actually taken a walk, I realized.  Ever since I had graduated from using the company provided cab to my own bike (the reasons for which will come another day), I had become too lazy to walk. I had been procrastinating my walks, just the way I been procrastinating my blogs. Not any more(or so I hope..)

My boulevard of broken dreams, as always, had quite a few things in store for me..

Disappointment soon struck when I saw how wreaked the place looked. I knew there was some work going on but I did not realize the kind of ruin it had caused to that part of the city. There were huge long pits dug up, kids cycling in one of them, women washing clothes in the water accumulated in the other... what next? The commies planting their flags demanding these pits be allocated to the poor and homeless?? I hope not.

It was then I saw, two of them..    Continued..

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I too had a blog..!!

I too had a blog, I wanted to say.. to all the friends of mine who were ranting about the posts they were putting up. But I am glad I had the restraint not to let them in on my blog. It’s only been two days since I realized I had a blog too.

The other day, I was having problems using my webcam with google account. I was checking my setting when I came across my google accounts, where I saw a small icon with a B on it... Not bothering to read what was beside the icon (one of the many habits of a software engineer), I clicked on it and was redirected to a very old blog which hadn’t been updated in a long time. It looked vaguely familiar with only two posts. It dint take me any longer than reading the first post to recognize the writing style. Who else could have been crazy enough to write such a post!! Yes that was my blog... I have to confess I had completely forgotten about it until this time.

I then decided I was not going to lose track of it again. I will keep writing. But then, here I am, looking at my blog with an urge to continue what I had started long ago and discontinued not long after. Still wondering what to write, I realized I had written quite a bit already. Not so bad for a first post, eh :) :)

Hopefully, until my next post, I’ll have figured out why I had quit writing.
Until then.. Adios